Be the change you wish to see in the world - Gandhi

Empowering Youth and Community by Providing Support and Awareness which leads to a brighter future. 

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Supporting youth empowerment and community awareness.

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Life Performance

Young people are guided through performance activities taking on new roles and experiences. These performances help the young people express different ways of dealing with world, community, and life issues.  The performance activities inspire and prepare them to become leaders that promote positive change. 



Youth Leadership

All activities are geared towards organizing the youth participants to become leaders in their communities.  We encourage them to organize their peers, and train them to direct and lead their own workshops.  This builds self confidence and creates positive interactions among their peers.   Young people take a chance to come out of their comfort zone and create new and encouraging performances. 


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In a world where social media plays an enormous role in communication, YLFC activities bring young people, their parents, teachers, and community leaders together for face to face networking and interaction. We encourage everyone to participate  in open dialogues to express their concerns, opinions, and experiences. Together they create new performances and ways to cope and resolve their issues. 


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YLFC Gifts to Share Showcases!

YLFC direct and produce talent showcases where young people can perform in a supportive and encouraging environment.  The showcase includes all types of talents such as singing, dancing, rapping, art or science project displays.  They assist with producing the event and are trained to run each area.  They learn the importance of each role on and off stage.  



Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

Today's students can now have the opportunity to experience cultivating and developing performance activities with YLFC.  These activities are geared to promote awareness, confidence, and inspiration for life, community, and world issues.  Learning new ways to cope and overcome adversity encourages motivation to strive for success in life and become a leader promoting CHANGE!  
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ylfc team leaders

Dedicated to change.

YLFC Team Leaders are equipped with over 27 years of community organizing. We offer team building, youth mentoring, a list of workshops and events geared to inspire and empower others. 

We also custom create workshops according to your organization's themes and topics.  These performance activities create a supportive environment to develop new strategies to cope in real life situations. 

We believe today's students are tomorrow's leaders. 

Community development starts with creating positive events in the community. 

 Join us and be the change you want to see!
